I know it’s VS1, but it bothers me that the black crystal is in the center of the table. I also prefer to avoid the 61% table diamonds because I think the table’s reflection (the clear part in the center) is too big for my tastes.
How about the diamond below?
Shape,Carat,Color,Clarity,Cut,Price (USD),Link
The diamond I recommended is just outside AGS Ideal with 59 table, 35 crown angle and 41 pavilion angle. If the pavilion angle was 40.9, then it would have been ideal. But keep in mind, GIA rounds pavilion angle to the nearest even number, so 40.9 would be rounded to 41.0.
Based on the image, I think the diamond I suggested would be fine (otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested it).
I don’t really like LD10295839, I think there’s too much going on with the inclusions for it to be in the same class as the other VS1’s. I think the one I recommended is better than LD03126636 because to me LD03126636 looks like it has a slight green tint to it.
Have you ever used night mode on your computer? The one that shifts the light from blue to red at night since blue light supposedly disrupts your sleep cycle? Removing the blue light makes this easier to see because taking away the blue makes it easier to see depth of yellow. And in this case, green to me.
Thanks again for the help Joe, you’re amazing! Just wanted to get your opinion one last time. How would you rank the following diamonds:
A) https://www.bluenile.com/ca/diamond-details/LD11656292
B) https://www.bluenile.com/ca/diamond-details/LD09919156
C) https://www.bluenile.com/ca/diamond-details/LD11053850
D) https://www.bluenile.com/ca/diamond-details/LD11696798
Are these all “eye clean”?
I would prefer the 1.21 VS1 over the 1.23 I VS2. The VS1 dropped a bit in price, so they’re fairly close. Both have clouds, but I can see strain lines in the VS2 that I typically avoid recommending. Maybe you can see the faint lines on the facets too.
Of the 1.3ct options, I like the 1.34 I SI1 over the 1.33 I SI1. The angle of the feather in the middle of the table of the 1.33 creates a decent-sized opaque patch. It’s white, but I think you’ll see it. The feather in the 1.34 I SI1 is thinner (about 0.07mm in width) so I think it has a better chance of being eye-clean, although I would prefer it to be closer to the edge.
In regards to the 1.34 ( https://www.bluenile.com/ca/diamond-details/LD11656292 ) , what do you think of the color for a color I ? Do you think it received a fair grade? Is there anything I should be concerned about regarding the color from what you can see ? Thanks again Joe.
Sorry if this is a re-post as I didn’t see my comment go through the first time. I was wondering why I didn’t identify the diamond you recommended but then I found it once I updated the search criteria to show “All” proportions instead of only “AGS Ideal”. How much weight should be placed on a diamond being “AGS Ideal”? It is not that important? Can a diamond still have a nice (lack of a better word) proportion even though it’s not “AGS Ideal”? If so, any tips on how I can tell?
What is your opinion on these 2 diamonds in comparison to the one you recommended: